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Nicola Vaccai
Metodo pratico di canto italiano
für Baryton und Gitarre
Nicola Vaccai
Metodo pratico di canto italiano
für Baryton und Gitarre
Stufe 3-4
PAR189-PDF — 19 Seiten
CHF 9.- / € 9,38 / $ 10.00
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Diese neue Bearbeitung für mittlere Stimme und Gitarre enthält die ersten 8 Lektionen der BEL CANTO-Methode, die Nicola Vaccai erstmals 1833 in London unter dem Titel "Il Metodo pratico di canto italiano per camera” / “Praktische Methode des italienischen Gesangs in der Kammermusik" (im Gegensatz zur Bühne) veröffentlichte.

In this transcription, we have tried to make the guitar part easy and natural to play, while respecting as much as possible the original accompaniments of the author. This edition also includes the author's complete preface, in French and English.

Excerpt from the preface
There can be no doubt but what the ltalian language, being, by virtue of its euphony, best suited to the art of singìng, is the languare in which those desirous of leaming the art, should begin their studies. Having become familiar with ltalian, the student will find it easy to sing in any other spoken language, which would not be the case, had he begun with any other.
Nicola Vaccai, 1832


Lektionen I bis VIII
  1. Manca sollecita
  2. Semplicetta tortorella
  3. Lascia il lido
  4. Avezzo a vivere
  5. Bella prova
  6. Fra l’ombre
  7. Quell’onda
  8. Delira dubbioso
  9. Nel contrasto
  10. Come il candore
  11. Senzo l’amabile
  12. Benchè di senso privo
