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Nicola Vaccai (1790-1848)
Metodo pratico di canto italiano
für Mezzosopran und Gitarre
Nicola Vaccai (1790-1848)
Metodo pratico di canto italiano
für Mezzosopran und Gitarre
Stufe 3-4
PAR182-PDF — 19pp
CHF 8.95 / € 9,60 / $ 10.50
Sichere Online Bestellung 
Diese neue Bearbeitung für mittlere Stimme und Gitarre enthält die ersten 8 Lektionen der BEL CANTO-Methode, die Nicola Vaccai erstmals 1833 in London unter dem Titel "Il Metodo pratico di canto italiano per camera” / “Praktische Methode des italienischen Gesangs in der Kammermusik" (im Gegensatz zur Bühne) veröffentlichte.

In dieser Transkription haben wir darauf geachtet, dass der Gitarrenpart möglichst einfach und natürlich zu spielen ist, während wir die Originalbegleitungen des Autors möglichst getreu beibehalten haben.

Foreword by Alex St-John
Nicola Vaccai's work (1832) stands out among other vocal methods, as it facilitates any keen learner to attain desirable objectives for the voice with ease and efficiency. Few other vocal methods exceed in popularity, not just for its being a selection of beautiful poems by "Metastasio", but for its being thoughtfully arranged.

This transposition for the guitar highlights a more delicate 'softer' balance of sound (between open string resonances and fretted notes), making it a special treat for the ears and a change from accustomed, 'louder', piano accompaniment. The quieter guitar invites singers to listen even more attentitavely to the accompanist, blending rather than 'soloing'. Virtually all starting out with voice studies should begin their studies with the Vaccai lessons, not just for a window into Italian but also out of the beauty of these short-and-sweet pieces. And what better instrument to accompany you on your journey than the beautiful Spanish guitar. This work makes vocal studies a delight as well as a pleasurable study for guitar accompanists.


Lektionen I bis VIII
  1. Manca sollecita
  2. Semplicetta tortorella
  3. Lascia il lido
  4. Avezzo a vivere
  5. Bella prova
  6. Fra l’ombre
  7. Quell’onda
  8. Delira dubbioso
  9. Nel contrasto
  10. Come il candore
  11. Senzo l’amabile
  12. Benchè di senso privo
