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Louis Pantillon


Louis Pantillon

Louis Pantilon has been teaching the violin for over 35 years in Switzerland. His different positions in the Conservatories of Berne and Neuchâtel and at the Haute École de Musique Genève-Neuchâtel gave him a rich experience on all levels of string teaching : from beginners to college students, including chamber music, youth orchestras and pedagogy.

He has allways worked at broadening his teaching repertoire by arranging, composing and reviving forgotten works of the past.

Louis Pantillon has the privilege to have been trained by some of the greatest musicians and pedagogues of the 20th century (Yehudi Menuhin, Menahem Pressler, Josef Gingold, Max Rostal, Mimi Zweig) and is glad to sharethe fruit of his research thanks to Partita Editions.

Alle Publikationen von Louis Pantillon

Rezension im Brief Nr. 128 von EDUCATION MUSICALE (2020 - Frankreich)
