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Alain Corbellari


Alain Corbellari

Born in La Chaux-de-Fonds in 1967, Alain Corbellari studied piano, singing and composition in La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Neuchâtel, Bienne and Paris. He has been composing since the age of 13. Author of the children's opera Alice l'opéra (1986), the symphonic poem La Reine des glaces (1991), pieces for piano and chamber music, and melodies including Les Sept Péchés capitaux (1989, based on texts by Sandro Marcacci), he has long been a music columnist for L'Express and RTN, as well as a regular guest on Espace 2's radio program, Disques en lice.

He is currently Professor of Medieval French Literature at the Universities of Lausanne and Neuchâtel, and has devoted several books to music (Les Mots sous les Notes. Musicologie littéraire et poétique musicale dans l'œuvre de Romain Rolland, 2010 ; Frank Martin : un lyrisme intranquille, 2021).
